D-Torch for
Demountable torch
31-808-2932: Base and Inner Tube
31-808-2878: Quartz Outer Tube
31-808-2707: Retaining Ring
31-808-2895: Injector Adaptor
31-808-2897: Injector Ferrule
D-Torch options:
31-808-3836: Ceramic Outer Tube
VT-007: Viton O-rings (PKT 10)
V-026: Viton O-rings (PKT 10)
70-803-1520: O-ring kit UNKNOWN AVAILABILITY
Thermo iCAP 6000 / 7000 Duo & Radial
Thermo iCAP PRO and 6000 / 7000 Duo
Outer tube pro Thermo 6000/7000/PRO Radial
Thermo iCAP PRO and 6000 / 7000 Duo