D-Torch for
Demountable torch
31-808-3568: Base and Inner Tube for Agilent 5000 Series D-Torch
31-808-3582: Quartz Outer Tube for 5000 Series RV D-Torch
31-808-3566: Retaining Ring for D-Torch Outer Tube
31-808-2962: Injector Ferrule for D-Torch
31-808-3578: Injector Adaptor for D-Torch
SAFEGLOVE-med: Safety Gloves, Medium
The injector is not included, it must be ordered separately.
Quartz injectors:
31-808-3738: Quartz Injector 0.8mm
31-808-3583: Quartz Injector 1.4mm
31-808-3576: Quartz Injector 1.8mm
31-808-3584: Quartz Injector 2.4mm
Alumina injectors (HF resistant injectors):
31-808-3727: Alumina Injector 1.5mm (keramika) UNKNOWN AVAILABILITY
31-808-3585: Alumina Injector 1.8mm (keramika)
31-808-3722: Alumina Injector 2.4mm (keramika)
Ceramic outer tube:
31-808-3586: Ceramic Outer Tube for 5000 Series RV D-Torch
Other accessories:
70-803-1500: O-ring Kit
31-808-4020: Ignition Enhancer
D-torch Base and Inner Tube for Agilent ICP-OES: 5100/5110/5800/5900
Injector Adaptor for D-torch for Agilent ICP-OES: 5100/5110/5800/5900
D-torch Quartz Outer Tube for Agilent ICP-OES: 5100/5110/5800/5900 RV
Retaining Ring for D-Torch for Agilent ICP-OES: 5100/5110/5800/5900